The modulus or absolute value of a number means the distance that goes from the number to its origin, this is, to the point 0 (zero) that makes part of the real straight line. For instance, the distance from point 6 to its origins is 6, but the distance from point -6 to its origins is also 6. In what concerns this situation the most important thing we have to keep in mind is that no matter the distance it is always positive (or zero). The symbol that is used to show the modulus consists of two bars vertically.
It is not correct to say that to get a modulus it is enough to take the signal away. Although it is what really happens, that lazy thought leads the pupils not to understand its concept. Actually, it is important for the pupils to understand that they are calculating a distance.
Of course, we can. Here we have two simple exercises to help you to understand the concept.
Let's see the following inequation as an example: `|x| < 4`
According to daily language it can be described as “all the numbers whose distance to the origin is inferior to 4.” And the answer to this inequation can be as follows: `x < 4 ^^ x > -4 hArr -4 < x < 4`, It means all the numbers superior to -4 and inferior to 4.
Another example is to simplify the following expression: `|sqrt 5 - 5|`
As we know that the modulated (`sqrt 5 - 5`) will be negative, since the root of five is inferior to five, we can simplify it as follows: `|sqrt 5 - 5| = -(sqrt 5 - 5) = -sqrt 5 + 5 = 5 - sqrt 5`
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