The box plot is a type of graphical representation, highlighting some characteristics of the sample. The values between the 1st and 3rd quartiles are represented by a rectangle. The width of the rectangle gives no information, so it is indifferent. Two lines are then considered joining the sides of the rectangle with the ends of the sample. In order to obtain this representation, we begin by collecting from the sample some information, which are: the two extremes (minimum and maximum), the median and the first and third quartiles.
Change the values of the data and see the modifications that this causes in the Box Plot graph.
Created with GeoGebra by Vitor Nunes
Statistics provide us with the necessary techniques to be able to extract information from a set of data. These data are often presented "raw" or "incomplete" in that they give us useful information about the problem under study but do not highlight any of its important aspects. Thus, the goal of statistics is to extract information from the data to gain a better understanding of the situations they represent. Some statistical practices include, for example, the planning, aggregation and interpretation of observations. Your goal is always to produce the best possible information from the available data. This information is often vital in making important decisions!