Find Mode

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The mode, or modal value, is the most common number in a data set. It’s useful in statistics because it can tell you what the most popular item in your set is. For example, you might have results from a customer survey where your company is rated from 1 to 5. If the most popular answer is 2, then you know you need to make some improvements in customer service!

Attention: A data set can have no mode, one(unimodal), two (bimodal), three (trimodal) or many (multimodal).

Created with GeoGebra by Vitor Nunes


Try moving the end sides of the chart bars. The values of the `f_i` column (absolute frequencies) are changed and the mode is recalculated.


Bloco de notas

Statistics provide us with the necessary techniques to be able to extract information from a set of data. These data are often presented "raw" or "incomplete" in that they give us useful information about the problem under study but do not highlight any of its important aspects. Thus, the goal of statistics is to extract information from the data to gain a better understanding of the situations they represent. Some statistical practices include, for example, the planning, aggregation and interpretation of observations. Your goal is always to produce the best possible information from the available data. This information is often vital in making important decisions!