Online Scientific Calculator

Online calculator

This scientific calculator, which we make available online free of charge, in addition to performing the so-called "normal" operations, also has the particular advantage of providing a wide range of various other operations, such as: solving first and second degree equations, converting several units of measure, perform operations with percentages, work with complex numbers, automatically calculate integrals, etc. Much more than a simple scientific calculator, this small online calculator allows operations to be introduced using conventional mathematical notation. In this way, the perception of the operation to be calculated is facilitated and the possibility of introducing unwanted errors is reduced.

Try, for example, entering the following calculations:

  • Simple arithmetic expression:
    `2 + 3 xx 4`
  • First degree equations:
    `2x + 3 = 4(x-1)`
  • Second degree equations:
  • Calculation with measures:
    `5m + 50cm`
  • Measurement converter:
    `50m text( in ) cm`
  • Area and volume converter:
    `2cm^2 text( in ) dm^2`
  • Calculation with fractions:
    `1/4 + 1/2`
  • Calculation with percentages:
    `200 + 5%`
  • Vector calculus:
  • Complex numbers:
  • Integral calculation:
  • Differential calculation:
  • Calculation with matrices:
    `[[1, 2][4, 5]]xx[[6, 7][8, 3]]`
  • Trigonometric functions:

Examples of results obtained on the calculator

Enter CalculationCalculates ExpressionResult Obtained
`2 + 3 ** 4``2 + 3 xx 4``14`
`2x + 3 = 4(x-1)``2x + 3 = 4(x-1)``x=7/2`
`x text(^)2+2x-1=9``x^2+2x-1=9``x=-sqrt(11)-1 vv`
`5m + 50cm``5m + 50cm``5.5m`
`50m text( in ) cm``50m rarr cm``5000 cm`
`2cm text(^)2 text( in ) dm text(^)2``2cm^2 rarr dm^2``0.02 dm^2`
`1//4 + 1//2``1/4 + 1/2``3/4`
`200 + 5%``200 + 5%``210`
`text(int)(x^2)``int(x^2) dx``x^3/3 + C`
`[[1, 2][4, 5]]**[[6, 7][8, 3]]``[[1, 2],[4, 5]]xx[[6, 7],[8, 3]]``[[22, 13],[64, 43]]`
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online scientific calculator
calculadora online

Today's calculators are electronic and are built by several manufacturers, in different shapes and sizes, varying in price according to the sophistication and the resources offered. The use of the graphing calculator is mandatory in secondary education in all subjects in the area of ​​Mathematics, and some questions may not be resolvable without recourse to its use, so it is essential. The scientific calculators most used in teaching are from Casio and Texas Instruments. The capacity of a scientific calculator varies according to the make and model and goes far beyond the calculation possibilities limited to arithmetic (used in basic education). Most of these calculators offer trigonometric functions, calculation of probabilities, calculation of matrices, possibility of programming and presentation of graphs of different types. The most recent calculating machines already have high resolution color screens, something very useful and which has become normal in a modern calculator, since it makes it easier for students to analyze different types of graphs. However, its use also has some disadvantages. This is because, some students become too dependent on the calculator and are unable to perform some mental calculations, even if they are the simplest. Furthermore, only the calculator does not solve any problem, students should acquire the ability to collect important data, enter this information into the calculating machine and at the end have a critical sense, which allows them to assess whether the result makes sense or not in the context of the problem.

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If you are unable to use the calculator or the results obtained in the calculations do not match the expectations, contact us using the Contact page. Thank you.